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Tips and Views from AeroDS

Georgetown HVAC Help

Preparing for Cooler Temperatures – Georgetown HVAC Help

With cooler temperatures on the way, it’s important to know the best ways to prepare your heater for the winter so it doesn’t overwork and break in your time of need. With your heater lying doormat for most of the year, it’s imperative that you take these steps below to keep your system healthy while transitioning with the seasons. According to the experts in Georgetown HVAC help, these are the top 5 tips for preparing for cooler temperatures.

Swap Out Your Filters

When it comes to preparing to turn your heater on this winter, there’s nothing easier than changing out your filters. This will allow clean air to flow uninhibited through your HVAC system, ensuring your system is running as efficiently as possible – saving you money in the long run.

Clean Your Ducts

Similar to changing your filters, having your ducts cleaned can lower the workload for your system. Your ducts can quickly become a hiding spot for mold in your home, so cleaning your ducts is essential for ensuring you’re getting clean air dispersed throughout your home. If you have no idea the last time you cleaned your ducts – give us a call. We are happy to come take a look!

Check Your Vents (Interior and Exterior)

It’s imperative that you check your vents, on the interior AND exterior of your home. When checking your exterior vents, ensure that all vents are clear of any debris or items that may be blocking them and causing your system to work twice as hard.

On the interior of your home, you’ll want to make sure the vents are open and closed to your preferences each season. Be sure to check and make sure there are no signs of build-up or odd smells coming from your vents. If anything feels wrong, do not turn on your heater until you’ve had a professional come look it over!

Test Your Thermostat

Before turning your heater on for the first time this winter, remember to test your thermostat to confirm that your system is responding properly. If it’s malfunctioning, now is the perfect time to consider a smart thermostat. Upgrading to a smart thermostat will allow you complete control of your home’s temperature at all times and offer you the most efficient system you can have.

Schedule a Routine Maintenance Appointment

When was the last time your system was professionally serviced? If you can’t remember, or if it was longer than a year ago, it’s time to call for backup! Your system should be serviced bi-annually, and if you don’t remember the last time you had it checked it’s best to have a technician come out and give it a check-up before you turn your heat on for the first time. This is the most important thing you can do to prevent having to deal with a broken heater – protect your investment and contact us to schedule a routine maintenance appointment!

These tips for preparing for cooler temperatures will help ensure you aren’t dealing with the frustrations of a broken heater this winter. If you have any questions about your current system or need Georgetown HVAC help, give us a call!

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