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Category: HVAC Problems

In Texas, an AC that isn’t cooling is a major issue. If your air conditioner is constantly running but not cooling your home, it could be that your AC is short-cycling.   What is AC Short Cycling? Short cycling occurs when your air conditioning system rapidly turns on and off without completing a full cooling cycle […]

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More than likely, we will have to use our heaters this year. After turning on your heater for the first time this year, you may wonder, “What is that burning smell coming from my heater?” If you’ve noticed any strange and unpleasant smells in your home after turning on your heater, it might be to […]

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It is spooky season, and the last thing that should be scary this Halloween is your HVAC. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about if you are on our routine maintenance plan, but if you aren’t, HVAC Horror Stories could be lurking in the dark corners of your home. These are four HVAC Horror Stories […]

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We all know that the Texas heat is right around the corner. With higher energy costs, your energy bill might be of concern. As the temperatures rise in Austin, your air conditioner will work extra hard to keep up. The extra work can lead to higher electricity bills and more strain on your appliances. With […]

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When the temperatures rise this summer, you will want your home to be an escape from the heat! After laying dormant for much of the winter, your AC unit should get serviced before the triple digits appear. If you notice any of these common Air Conditioning problems, it’s time to schedule a maintenance appointment.   Poor […]

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With the temperature this hot outside, staying cool inside has never been more important. Whether you’re in Lakeway, Georgetown, or Austin proper, the best way to make sure you stay cool inside is to be sure your HVAC system is running properly. If you suspect it isn’t, when should you call your local HVAC repair […]

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During the heat of the summer, your air conditioner isn’t just a nice thing to have – it’s a necessity. Just spending a few seconds in the car before your air conditioner kicks on can be torture so if your air conditioner goes out this summer, you’re going to notice quickly! That being said, it’s […]

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Winter weather is slowly rolling in, which unfortunately for many, can mean HVAC problems may surface. With a push of a button, you can turn your heat on – but before doing so, it’s important to know what HVAC problems are common when the temperatures change so you’re prepared for anything! To help you avoid […]

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When the temperatures start to soar, you want your home to be an oasis from the heat! After lying dormant for the colder months, your HVAC system may need servicing before summer really kicks in. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to schedule a maintenance appointment.   Symptoms of Common HVAC Problems: Poor […]

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