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Tips and Views from AeroDS

winter hvac prep

Winter Is Coming, Are You Prepared? | Winter HVAC Prep

It may not seem like it now, but winter is right around the corner! It’s time to start getting into the holiday spirit by giving yourself one of the best gifts possible – making sure that your home will be warm and cozy all through the cold season. This is vital, especially if you’ve got friends and family coming to visit anytime in the next few months. Here’s how to tackle winter HVAC prep and make sure you’re comfortable through the colder months:


Have Your Ducts Cleaned


Your ducts should be cleaned every 2-3 years, and if you can’t remember if/when you had them done recently – give us a call! Having clean and clear ducts will help your system run more efficiently while eliminating dust and mold that would otherwise be circulated through your home all winter. If you or anyone in your family suffers from asthma (or any other respiratory affliction,) your ducts should be cleaned every other year if not more frequently. Having your ducts cleaned is a great way to kick off your winter HVAC prep.


Change Your Filter(s)


When the season changes, it’s always best to start with a clean slate! You should already be changing your filters regularly – from monthly to every 6 months depending on your system and the type/size filters you use. Once the temperature changes and there are different allergens in the air, it’s time to get a new filter in there. It will help ease the load on your system and when you’re turning your heat on for the first time in 6 months, you want it to be sucking in clean air!


Spring Fall Cleaning


Fall is a beautiful time of year. With all the trees changing colors and the cooler temperatures rolling in, it truly is a great time to live in Texas. However, there is a downside (at least as far as your HVAC system is concerned). Falling leaves and other foliage can obstruct or even fall into your system and cause damage. Ensure that your system is kept clean and clear of debris to keep it running at it’s best!


Schedule Routine Maintenance


When was the last time your system was professionally serviced? Your HVAC system is just like your car – it’s a major investment that should last at least 10 years and you should treat it as such! Your system should be serviced bi-annually, and if you have been slacking it’s best to have a technician come out and give it a check-up before you have to turn on your heat for the first time. This is the most important thing you can do for your system’s health and your winter HVAC prep – protect your investment and give us a call!


Fall is here, and with how unpredictable Texas’ weather can be, winter temperatures are right around the corner! Take these tips and knock out your winter HVAC prep,  and we’ll all be sitting (warm and cozy) around a turkey dinner in no time. If you’re worried that your system may leave you out in the cold this winter, give us a call! We’re happy to come out and take a look at what you’re working with. Happy fall, Y’all!

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