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Tips and Views from AeroDS

Importance of Changing your Air Filters 

Importance of Changing your Air Filters 

You may hear all the time, especially from us, that air filters are crucial to the health of your HVAC system, but do you know why? Today we wanted to focus on the importance of changing your air filters:

First Line of Defense

Air filters are a key component of your HVAC unit and are often overlooked and under appreciated. Air filters are the HVAC system’s first line of defense against dirt, pollen, dust, and even large objects that could pose a fire risk once they’ve entering your HVAC unit. 

Dirty Filters can restrict airflow

When your filters become clogged with dirt and other objects, the airflow is greatly restricted into the unit. Dirty air filters also mean that the blower on your unit spreads polluted air throughout your home. If someone in your home suffers from allergies, it could worsen their allergies and lead to additional respiratory problems. 

Maintenance Costs and HVAC longevity 

If a filter gets too clogged, it can cause ice accumulation on your coils or even cause your system to overheat. A clogged filter can also lead to your blower not functioning correctly. Restricted airflow from a clogged filter can also lead to dust and dander piling up in your air ducts. 

Clogged and dirty filters can lead to your HVAC system working harder to keep your house cool or warm. Making the unit run harder reduces the life expectancy of your unit and also increases your utility bills. 

We may mention changing your air filters often, but that is because the importance of changing your air filters equals a healthy, long-lasting HVAC unit. If you haven’t changed it in a while, you may need to have your system professionally cleaned. Preventative maintenance, like changing your air filter, will help prolong the life of your system and ensure you’re breathing the cleanest air possible. If you’re due for a routine check-up, give us a call, and we’d be happy to come out and ensure your system is running correctly and efficiently! 

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