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Tips and Views from AeroDS

home and yard care tips

Spring Home and Yard Care Tips

Spring is here, so it is time to enjoy the outdoors before it gets hot! Spring is always filled with BBQs and backyard games. Summer is approaching, and home equipment like your air conditioner needs a spring HVAC tuneup. With a few spring home and yard care tips, your home can be clean inside and out.

Spring Cleaning Yard Care

Fall and winter might have done a number on your lawn, leaving behind leaves, branches, and dead winter grass. Start with raking leaves and picking up branches. This is an excellent time to pull weeds and aerator your lawn to loosen up the soil and get nutrients down to the roots of your grass. As your winter grass starts to disappear, you may have some bald spots in your yard. Spring is the perfect time to fill those spots by planting new grass and fertilizing your yard.

Rain is never guaranteed in Texas. After planting, keep your new grass growing by watering it regularly. H-E-B shares year-round tips to maintain your lawn by mowing, fertilizing, and keeping weeds out of your Texas Turfgrass.

HVAC Outdoor Spring Cleaning

In the fall and spring, check around your outdoor unit and keep it clear of debris such as branches, leaves, dirt, and pollen. You don’t necessarily have to be able to identify each part and its function to check that nothing is obstructed and is kept clean. When installing your unit, our team is happy to walk you through what everything should look like in a normal situation.

Air Filter Swap

Indoor spring cleaning should include checking your air filters. While we recommend checking your filter every 30 days and changing it if necessary, it’s more important to check the current filter’s dirtiness rather than rely on dates alone. Allergens may accumulate more frequently during certain times of the year, and animals add another layer to the equation. If you have animals that shed a lot, you may need to change your air filter more frequently than suggested. Similarly, if you suffer from severe allergies such as pollen or cedar, consider changing your filters closer to weekly to breathe easier during peak allergy season.

HVAC Tuneup

Spring is one of the best times to have your HVAC unit professionally serviced. Having one of your routine maintenance checks in spring will ensure that your system runs properly before the Texas heat sets this summer. If you still need to follow the above tip for air filters, you may need to have your system professionally cleaned before breathing easily.

Your system should be serviced bi-annually, and if you don’t remember the last time you had it checked, it’s best to have a technician come out and give it a check-up! Preventative maintenance will help prolong the life of your system and ensure you’re breathing the highest air quality you can.

Bring on Summer

Spring is a great opportunity to open the windows and air out the house after being closed all winter. With these spring home and yard care tips, your home can be clean inside and out. It won’t be long before we reach those summer temperatures, and you will have to crank up the AC. If you have any questions about your current system or want to explore your upgrading options, call us!

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