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Tips and Views from AeroDS

Prevent a Broken Heater

Preparing For Winter | Prevent a Broken Heater Pt. 2

Winter weather is finally here, and that means your cold home is going to need the help of a heater! Your HVAC system generally has a heating component, so warmer temps are only a button push away – but in the interest of the health of your system, don’t switch it on immediately. After lying dormant for the past 6-8 months, your heater shouldn’t be sent immediately into overdrive. To avoid a broken heater, follow these tips before turning the heat on:

Test Out Your Thermostat (And Think About Upgrading!)

Before you really need to crank up your heat this winter, make sure that when you adjust your thermostat your system responds accordingly. This would also be a great time to look at upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats give you the utmost control over your home’s climate while maximizing efficiency. Needless to say, we’re big fans!

Check Your Interior Vents

Your cooling needs in the summer may not match up to your heating needs in the winter. It’ll be hugely helpful to ensure that all of the vents are open or closed to your liking. While checking your vents, look for any signs of buildup or odd sounds/smells. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, do not turn on your heat and call the pros!

Check Your Weatherproofing

What good is heating your entire home if that warm air isn’t staying inside? Weatherstripping on your doors and windows is extremely important for insulating your home. It’s always a great idea to go through and check all of your weatherproofing throughout your home and to feel for drafts. Insulating your home effectively will help your system run more efficiently, saving you money on a monthly basis. 

Schedule a Routine Maintenance Appointment

We know this was on our previous list, but it’s so important that we decided to include it twice. Your HVAC system is a significant investment, and it needs to be serviced regularly to both keep it running smoothly and efficiently as well as to extend its lifespan. Your system should be serviced twice a year – if you can’t remember when the last time your HVAC system was seen by a professional, it’s time to give us a call!

Like it or not, winter is here! Follow our tips to prevent having to suffer through the next cold front with a broken heater and if you have any questions, please give us a call. Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

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