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Air filters

Everything You Need to Know About Air Filters

Regularly changing your air filters is crucial for the health of your HVAC system. But do you know why it’s so important? HVAC systems are like people in that they need to breathe – and that’s not possible with an incorrect or clogged air filter. Not only does changing your air filters improve the air you breathe at home, but it also extends the lifespan of your system. Read on to learn everything you need to know about air filters!

Regularly Change Your Air Filters

In the midst of allergy season, your symptoms and suffering may be at an all-time high right now. One of the quickest ways to remedy that and improve the air quality in your home is by changing your filters regularly. There are many allergens that can lower your air quality, which include but are not limited to: dust, dirt, pollen, mold, lint, hair, animal fur, and bacteria. If you have high allergens such as pet dander or find yourself struggling to breathe during allergy season, we recommend changing your air filters every 30 days or so to maximize your air quality and the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Use the Proper Filter for Your System

You want to ensure that you buy the proper size and type when replacing your air filter. The reason to be careful with which filter you buy is for two reasons – if the filter doesn’t fit it could block air from passing through your system or you could have the opposite issue of the air passing around the filter and allowing allergens to enter. The harder your HVAC has to work, the more wear and tear we see, and ultimately, it lessens the lifespan of your system overall.

Check for Dirt, Not Dates

While we do recommend checking your filter every 30 days and changing if necessary, it’s more important that you check the dirtiness of the current filter rather than rely on dates alone. Allergens may accumulate more frequently during certain times of the year, and animals add a whole other layer to the equation. If you have animals that shed a lot, you may need to change your air filter more frequently than suggested. Similarly, if you suffer from severe allergies such as pollen or cedar, you may want to consider changing your filters closer to weekly to breathe easier during peak allergy season.

Schedule a Routine Maintenance Appointment

When was the last time your system was professionally serviced? If you haven’t been following the above steps for air filters, you may need to have your system professionally cleaned before you can breathe easy. Your system should be serviced bi-annually, and if you don’t remember the last time you had it checked it’s best to have a technician come out and give it a check-up! Preventative maintenance will help prolong the life of your system and ensure you’re breathing the highest air quality you can be.

If you need a way to remember to change your air filters, a quick and easy solution is to set a recurring monthly reminder in your phone so you won’t forget! Now that you’ve learned the importance of air filters and preventative maintenance, you’re set up with the knowledge to achieve the healthiest HVAC system and air quality you can! If you’re due for a routine checkup, give us a call and we’d be happy to come out and make sure your system is running properly and efficiently!

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