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Tips and Views from AeroDS

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Fall HVAC Checklist – Aero Designed Systems

Even though it might not quite feel like it yet, fall is officially here. We’ve only got a few weeks left before Halloween and if you’re not entertaining around then, you will be soon after! It’s vital that you take the time to prepare your HVAC system for the change in temperature in the coming months – it’s always better to take care of any HVAC problems now rather than waiting until you have a house full of friends and family. This is the first part of your fall HVAC checklist!

Change Those Filters!

If you’ve read any of our blogs in the past, you know how strongly we feel about changing your filters regularly! Clean filters ensure that your system can breathe – allowing it to do its job more efficiently and effectively. If you have an old clogged filter, you’re restricting the amount of air your system can use to circulate as well as making it much more likely that your system is distributing dirt and pollen. If you have allergies, this can make a huge difference! How often you should change your filters depends on your system as well as the types of filters you’re buying, but it’s always a great idea to change your filter when the seasons change. 

Fall Cleaning 

We don’t usually associate cleaning with the fall, but with the leaves starting to turn and fall off the trees it’s important that you keep the outdoor portion of your HVAC system clean and clear of all debris! Twigs, leaves, and such can fall in through the top of your air conditioners and wreak havoc on the sensitive components on the inside. They can also be a fire hazard. To prevent HVAC problems, keep your A/C clean and clear of all falling foliage and never cover your system when it’s going to be in use!

Get All Your Ducts in a Row

Keeping with the spirit of cleaning, it’s a great time to look at getting your ducts cleaned and start the next season with a clean slate! Over time, your ducts can build up all kinds of dust and dirt (more likely if you’re lax with your filter changes!) and eventually you’ll need to have them cleaned out. Sadly, pests can also get into the ducts of homes and once they die, a terrible smell will be emanating from your vents. If you notice and off-smell coming from your home, let us know and we’ll take care of it ASAP!

Schedule a Routine Maintenance Appointment

When was the last time your system was serviced? If you can’t remember the last time someone came out, give us a call! Having your system serviced regularly will keep your system running as efficiently as possible and extend the overall lifespan of your air conditioner. Keep cool this summer all while protecting your investment (your system) – give us a call to schedule your routine maintenance appointment.

Keep an eye out for the second part of our fall checklist to both make sure your system is working as efficiently as possible and to protect yourself from having HVAC problems around the holidays! In the meantime, if you’re having trouble with your system or would like to talk through your upgrade options, give us a call! Happy Fall, y’all!

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