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Tips and Views from AeroDS


Summer is officially here, not that you needed any telling.  One of the hottest seasons in recent memory has been predicted, and the sun is showing no signs of letting up.  As the temperatures shoot upwards, the last thing you want is your energy bill to follow suit!  Check out these tips on air conditioner efficiency to get the most out of your system and keep more money in your wallet.



When exploring your heating and air conditioning unit (HVAC) options, energy efficiency should be a major deciding factor. What you want to look for while shopping is the system’s SEER rating.  The SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) was put into place to ensure that HVAC systems are productive, safe, and environmentally friendly. Specifically, the SEER rating indicates the relative amount of energy needed to provide a specific cooling output. An air conditioner with a higher SEER rating may cost more initially but will pay for the difference in price multiple times over in savings on your energy bill.  Texas falls into the southern region (the United States is split into three regions separated by climate) where the minimum allowable SEER rating for new A/C units is 14 but can be rated as high as the low-to-mid 20’s.  In a nutshell, a higher SEER Rating means higher air conditioner efficiency, which also means more money saved in the long run.



Some newer systems are compatible with an innovative piece of technology: smart thermostats. Smart thermostats have the capability to connect to internet apps like The Weather Channel to check the temperature/humidity levels outside and adjust the temperature in your home accordingly. When it comes to conserving energy, these devices utilize the GPS in your smartphone to detect when you are away from home and increase air conditioner efficiency.  When you return home, the system will return to the comfortable temperature you previously set.  The system can be operated remotely from your smartphone, in case you leave the A/C running, or want to come home to a comfortable temperature. Smart thermostats can also provide monthly reports detailing efficiency, how long your system runs per day, along with a myriad of other data. You can find more information about smart thermostats here.



Keeping up with necessary routine maintenance for your system is key to getting the most out of your air conditioner.  Make sure that your air filters are changed regularly, and that your HVAC unit is serviced by a certified professional whenever necessary.  Ensure that the unit outside your home is kept clean and clear of debris. The dirtier the unit gets, the harder it will have to work, causing more wear and tear and costing you more per month on electricity! Your unit’s refrigerant levels and electrical components should be routinely checked by a professional to guarantee that everything is in good working order! Read more on the importance of routine maintenance here.


An HVAC system that is running at peak performance equals total home comfort and lower electricity bills! When shopping for a new system, keep SEER rating and the benefits of a smart thermostat in mind. And no matter how old or new your HVAC system is, always adhere to a routine maintenance schedule.




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